• Drone

Summer Session 3

Overview: July 22 - August 2, 2024

Full Day: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

List of 2 items.

  • Trailblazers: Olympics Fun!

    Grade: K
    Cost: $1095 (includes swim lessons)
    做好团队合作的准备,参加友好的比赛! 这两周将充满游戏和令人兴奋的活动,这将是开拓者的乐趣以及参与小猫头鹰比赛的混合. We will be given our own team name, 吟诵和色彩,并将在比赛活动,如纸板船比赛, flag decorating, a scavenger hunt and so much more!
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  • Little Owls: Summer Olympics

    Grade: 1-5
    Cost: $1050
    简单地说,小猫头鹰夏令营是我们最受欢迎的夏令营之一, 它是运动营和高峰寻求者的混合体——营员们将以指定颜色的小“猫头鹰队”和辅导员和培训辅导员(CITs)团队度过一天。. The morning will be focused on sports and games, after lunch will be focused on artistic craft activities, and the day will end with open pool time for everyone.  我们最喜欢的一些小猫头鹰活动是我们的纸板船设计挑战, egg-drop challenge, camp carnival and Olympics games day. 午餐时间为中午12点,已包含在注册费中.

    做好团队合作的准备,参加友好的比赛! 这两周将充满游戏和令人兴奋的活动,这将是开拓者的乐趣以及参与小猫头鹰比赛的混合. We will be given our own team name, 吟诵和色彩,并将在比赛活动,如纸板船比赛, flag decorating, a scavenger hunt and so much more!

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AM Half Day: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

List of 1 items.

  • Trailblazers: Olympics Fun

    Grade: K
    Cost: $620
    做好团队合作的准备,参加友好的比赛! 这两周将充满游戏和令人兴奋的活动,这将是开拓者的乐趣以及参与小猫头鹰比赛的混合. We will be given our own team name, 吟诵和色彩,并将在比赛活动,如纸板船比赛, flag decorating, a scavenger hunt and so much more!
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Counselor in Training Program

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  • CIT Program - Session 3

    Grade: 8-10
    Cost: $700
    Schedule: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

    Prerequisite for Session 3: Returning CITs Only. During this session, 我们向至少参加过一次CIT培训的年轻领导者开放这个项目. 任何暑期的CIT课程都可以参加. This camp closes registration at 16 campers.
    CIT项目将提供一个实际操作的机会,培养未来作为营地辅导员就业所需的各种技能,以及帮助他们与孩子一起工作的技能. cit将有一个结构良好而灵活的系列研讨会,在那里他们将有机会学习更多关于作为一名营地辅导员和与孩子们一起工作的不同方面. cit将学习宝贵的领导能力和沟通技巧,并有机会参加一个自我激励的项目,该项目围绕着他们成为营地辅导员的目标而设计. CITs will develop the skills by participating in swimming, games, field trips, 急救和儿童安全,以及领导和儿童心理学课程. 我们的目标是让年轻人有机会在合格的指导下工作,并开始学习和理解营地辅导员工作的要求和责任. Campers will look to CITs as leaders and role models, therefore, high standards of conduct, 在与营员一起工作时,态度和良好的判断力是必须的.
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Enrichment Classes

List of 1 items.

  • Classes & Information

    对于想要定制孩子暑期体验的家庭来说,我们的暑期强化班是一个很好的选择. More information and class schedules are here.

Athenian Aquatics Program

List of 1 items.

  • Swim Lessons

    赌场捕鱼网投夏季游泳项目为4岁及以上的营员提供8节20分钟的课程(周一至周四). Our program is designed for children at all swim levels, 基于美国红十字会的“学会游泳”课程. 小游泳者将发现如何完全淹没他们的脸和吹泡泡,体验支撑漂浮和踢腿的前后. 更高级的游泳者将开始学习手臂交替动作, swimming under water, rhythmic breathing, and the major strokes. For swimmers ready for even more advanced techniques, 一个程序可以适应您的游泳者的个人需求.

    "Add on" Swim Lessons
    参加高峰探索者、运动营地、小猫头鹰和半日开拓者夏令营的露营者, can add on swim lessons during their day-camp hours. 我们的营地工作人员将从营地项目中接这些营员,带他们去上游泳课(然后回来)。. 这些游泳课程由训练有素的救生员和游泳教练教授, and are small groups of two students to one instructor. 

    Session 1: $165
    Session 2: $188
    Session 3: $188

    Private Swim Lessons
    私人游泳课在露营时间后进行,是一对一的, 由我们训练有素的救生员和游泳教练提供20分钟的个性化课程. 这些活动发生在周一至周四下午3:30至5:30之间.

    Session 1: $205
    Session 2: $265
    Session 3: $265

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Extended Care

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  • Extended Care

    AM Extended Care

    上午延长护理是免费的,从早上8点开始. While we do not charge a fee for early drop-off, 我们确实要求您在注册时勾选这个“添加”选项,以便我们可以考虑在我们的人员规划目的中预计早上会有多少露营者. Additionally, 我们在注册时提供“早餐俱乐部”作为“附加”选项, 每天早上8-8:30提供热早餐和水果/谷物选择,每餐额外收费8美元.

    PM Extended Care

    下午延长护理是一项额外费用,您可以在注册时作为选项“添加”. 延长护理由经验丰富的营地辅导员组成,他们通过一系列选择活动与露营者互动:艺术和手工艺, games, and outdoor equipment. Afternoon Extended Care is from 3:30-5:30pm. 

    Please make every effort to arrive by 5:30 pm. 我们认识到,有时会出现不可避免的挑战, and therefore, our policy is that after one occurrence of lateness, a $1.00 per minute penalty will be incurred. 工作人员会在取车时通知您,并向您收取费用.  暑期项目主任将跟进这笔费用的收取(这笔费用将直接支付给必须加班的员工). If not paid immediately, a $5.除滞纳金外,还将收取00美元的手续费.


    请注意,在第三节夏令营的最后一天,我们将不提供延长护理. We will close at 3:45 PM.
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Summer Camp Transportation

List of 1 items.

  • Summer Transportation

    • Session 1: $65 (each way)
    • Session 2: $70 (each way)
    • Session 3: $70 (each way)
      • Each sibling is 50% off the above prices
    您的孩子必须通过我们的注册系统预先注册才能乘坐巴士. Transportation is an “add on” in our system, and families can sign up for morning transportation, afternoon transportation, or both. The bus route can be found here

    我们的校车是黄色的大巴士,旁边会写着“赌场官方网投”. 如果登记的交通工具少,我们可能会使用我们的校车. A daily safety inspection is performed on each vehicle. All drivers are certified school bus drivers and as such, follow all state and federal driving regulations. All school buses are equipped with cell phones.